Welcome To Ireland Vinayaka Temple


If the temple requires puja items then the committee will approach devotees.


Donations to cover temple pujas, private pujas and recurring donations (standing order) to support the temple.

If you wish to make a recurring donation to the temple then please set up a standing order using the bank details below.

Via Bank Transfer

Devotees who wish to donate to IVT via Bank Transfer are kindly requested send their donations to following account.

IBAN : IE55 IPBS 9906 2986 3761 75
Name : Ireland Vinayaka Temple Ltd.

Via Paypal/Credit Card/Debit Card (Online Only)

Devotees who wish to donate to IVT via Paypal, a Credit Card or Debit Card are kindly requested to click the button below.

Donate to IVT

Via QR Code
